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Geezer Movies
with Bill Sokolic

New! 2024 Contest
Storytelling Alert!
It's time to get your Geezer on and write
the script you've been thinking about for
lo these many years. Geezer Movies
understands your dream and has a
special contest designed just for the over
60 crowd.
All levels of writing are welcome. If you
are not sure of how to format a screenplay,
here is a link that explains just about all
you need to know.
Award-winning screenwriter and unfortunate Black List victim, Dalton Trumbo, relaxes in his favorite writing environment.
photo courtesy Uncover Colorado.
The 2020 Winners!
Congratulations to all.
Feature Screenplay
First Place Perry - RJ Watson
Second Place Murder Incorporated - Lawrence Moore
Short Screenplay
1st Place Seraphim’s Miracle - Jeremy Storey
2nd Place Paddy’s Tonsorial Emporium - Ronald C. Milburn

Meryl Streep (68) was nominated for an Oscar for her role in The Post (2018). Clint Eastwood (87!) won an Oscar for Directing Million Dollar Baby (2004) when he was 73.

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